Healthy isn’t just an adjective - it’s a lifestyle! But too many adults wait until their health starts sliding before they make it a priority. As the old saying goes, if we don’t make time for our wellness, we’ll be forced to make time for our illness. That’s why making wellness a habit at a young age will help set us up for life. So, when exactly should we start monitoring our wellness? And what does that even mean? Here’s why and how healthy starts early.
The Rundown on RMR with NFL Player Devon Kennard
We throw around the word “metabolism,” but its meaning is often misunderstood. Your resting metabolic rate isn't necessarily fast or slow but instead high or low. This number measures how many calories your body burns at rest, providing an important way to track progress toward goals such as overall fitness, weight loss, or athletic performance. We join NFL star Devon Kennard as he learns how knowing his RMR and body composition can improve his workouts.
Strength Training Is Changing the Norms of Body Weight
Is it time to cancel weight culture? You know, the “I have to reach a certain number on the scale” type of culture. The “I want to be a size 6” kind of mindset. We got here because we tend to treat weight as health. We think if we can reach the target weight to meet BMI standards, then we’re healthy… right? Real talk: Weight does matter. But it’s not the only thing that matters. And the Arizona Cardinals’ Devon Kennard is a perfect example of this.
Can VO2 Max Testing Indicate Risk of Cardiac Events?
Weight, BMI, blood pressure—the information we need to measure our health sometimes seem endless. So when it comes to cardiovascular fitness, can the VO2 max test really give us the full picture? Explore how examining the way your body uses oxygen during exercise can illustrate how well your heart and lungs are working together, an indicator of future cardiac wellness.
Flexing: At What Body Fat Percentage Do Muscles Show?
How long do you have to weight lift before you can start flexing like you mean it? You’re building muscles with every workout, and we all want them to come out of hiding sooner or later. But seeing those muscles in the mirror isn’t just a matter of time but also a matter of body fat. In order to really see all your hard work pay off, your focus should be on reducing body fat—and there’s an art to it. Use a body composition test, like DEXA or BOD POD, to track your progress.
Fitnescity and MIT News
Fitnescity aims to make health and wellness monitoring more manageable by providing access to in-person lab testing and visual analytics. The company’s platform aggregates testing clinics and enables people to easily find, schedule, and pay for tests. It also presents results to users in a way that is easy to understand. Over time, Fitnescity can also show users trends to help them understand how diet and lifestyle changes are impacting their health.
Can You Really Build Muscle While Losing Weight? The truth behind "body recompositioning."
When it comes to weight loss, the scale doesn't give you the whole story about how healthy you really are. Explore strategies to optimize your body composition as you strive to reach your ideal weight without compromising strong lean muscle. Losing weight often also means losing muscle, which impacts not only your strength but also your stamina, flexibility, and heart health. Loss of lean mass also results in a higher percentage of body fat, elevating your risk of countless chronic conditions. Getting an RMR or a DEXA scan can help you achieve your goals.
Women Want To Know: Do You Burn More Calories While On Your Period?
Here’s a fun fact that will make you oh-so-glad to see “Aunt Flo”: you might burn more calories when you’re on your period. During a time when your hormones are going crazy, cravings set in, and you’re feeling bloated and sluggish, you’ll be glad to know there are some things to be happy about. Exercise can be one of the best things to do during your period, especially if you want the most calorie bang for your buck.
Muscle Tissue: Is it Really Use-It-or-Lose-It?
Does muscle tissue go away or shrink when we stop exercising? Does it turn into fat or simply disappear? Despite the common phrase “use it or lose it,” most people don't know what actually happens to lean muscle if something puts us on the sidelines and we can't keep up with our workout routines. Learn about exercise helps you to maintain a healthy body composition.
What the NFL and Fitnescity Share
Devon Kennard a linebacker on the Arizona Cardinals (NFL) is a new investor in Fitnescity, a rapidly growing software company that makes health and wellness testing available to everyday consumers, and then provides test results that are both easy to understand and track. Devon utilizes routine DEXA, RMR and VO2 testing to optimize his wellness.
Fitnescity adds blood panels
Fitnescity has expanded its partnership with Quest Diagnostics to make accessing blood panels easier. Building on its earlier at-home blood panel offering, Fitnescity now invites customers to visit a Quest location to add valuable information to their Fitnescity dashboard helping them gain a more complete picture of their wellness.
Hey Guys, Is 15% Really the Magic Number for Body Fat?
Your colleague, your brother, and your gym buddy are all aiming for 15% body fat. Should you jump on this bandwagon? But what does that really mean? Why is 15% the seeming “magic” number for body fat in men? Get the facts about the impact of body composition on your health. To learn more about your own numbers, schedule a body composition test.
Body Composition & VO2 Max: Three Steps to Better Health
VO2 max is more than just another fitness number. This metric, which expresses how well your lungs use oxygen during activity, interacts with body composition to have a big impact on wellness. Legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong has won countless races, broken records, and received accolades. Unless you're a superfan, however, you probably don't know that his reported VO2 max rate of about 85 is one of the highest in the world. What does this mysterious number mean, and why does it matter to you?
What percentage of the human body is water?
We hear a lot about losing water weight and the human body's significant percentage of H20. But what does water really mean for our wellness? Explore more about our water content, how much we should really be drinking each day, and why it matters to our body composition and is key to reaching optimal health.
Fitnescity x KORR: making metabolic (RMR) testing easier to find
We are excited to announce that KORR has joined us in our mission to make metabolic (resting metabolic rate/RMR) and cardiovascular (VO2 max) assessments easier to find and easier to understand.
By working together, Fitnescity will continue to expand their national partnerships of DEXA, BOD POD, RMR and VO2 max testing allowing consumers across the United States to quickly find and access the important wellness information they’re looking for.
Using water to measure your body composition: what you should know about hydrostatic weighing
Hydrostatic weighing illustrates your body’s internal makeup, providing a ratio of fat to lean muscle that can drive fitness and disease prevention goals. Understanding how this displacement-based method works and what to expect during the process can unlock a whole new way of tracking progress toward your wellness objectives. Understand how this method is similar and different than BOD POD and DEXA scans for body composition.
Is a DEXA Scan Worth It?
The Fitnescity FAQs
Every day we are fortunate to connect with people nationwide who are interested in learning more about their well-being through wellness lab testing. We thought we’d take a moment to tackle some of the questions we hear most. Everything from how often to get tested, the difference between DEXA and BOD POD, to how to book and use a Fitnescity package, we’ve got the answers to the questions you ask us most.
Dishing on DEXA: 5 Facts to Build Your Body Composition Knowledge
A DEXA body scan provides a detailed analysis of your body composition, from bone density to body fat. But why would you want one? Simply put, it’s all about helping you make the right wellness decisions that work for your body. Let’s look at five key DEXA concepts and how they help you reach your fitness and wellness goals with confidence.